Friday, December 4, 2009


My two favorite artists are ones whos work also inspired and lead me to choose my particular concentrations. Andy Goldsworthy uses objects from nature to create geometiric figures that seeem so surreal and tehy don't belong in nature it's outstanding. The other artist I look up to and seek inspiration from is Deborah Buttersfield. She uses objects from nature and also metal materials to create sculptures of horses. Although Andy does not use any glue or unorganic bindings, his structures are stable and remain for a period of time. Deborah's structures are also well constructed and you cannot tell what is holding the form together. Eventually, I hope my work can pose the same characteristics as these two artists. Altogether, I hope my concentration will allow me to taek risks and use new elements of design to further my knowledge in art!

Andy Goldsworthy

Deborah Buttersfield